D-BT01/009EN Mysterious Rain Spiritualist, Zorga
Tax included.
Normal Unit
Grade 3
Power 13000
Shield -
[CONT](VC):When you would play a normal order, you can bind a normal order with a different card name from your drop, and Alchemagic. (Combine the costs, and add the effect to the back!)
[ACT](VC)[1/turn]:[COST][Counter-Blast]1], choose a card from your drop zone, and call it to (RC).
Grade 3
Power 13000
Shield -
[CONT](VC):When you would play a normal order, you can bind a normal order with a different card name from your drop, and Alchemagic. (Combine the costs, and add the effect to the back!)
[ACT](VC)[1/turn]:[COST][Counter-Blast]1], choose a card from your drop zone, and call it to (RC).