D-BT02/072EN Unbreakable Ice Pillar, Jebinna
Tax included.
Normal Unit
Dark States
Grade 3
Power 13000
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your soul has ten or more cards, [COST][Counter-Blast]1 & Soul-Blast]1], until end of that battle, when your opponent would and until end of that battle, when your opponent would call cards from hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.
Dark States
Grade 3
Power 13000
[AUTO](RC):When this unit attacks a vanguard, if your soul has ten or more cards, [COST][Counter-Blast]1 & Soul-Blast]1], until end of that battle, when your opponent would and until end of that battle, when your opponent would call cards from hand to (GC), they must call two or more at the same time.