V-SS09/082EN Extreme Battler, Golshachi
Tax included.
Normal Unit
Nova Grappler
Grade 2
Power 9000
Shield 5000
[CONT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Victor" in its card name, this unit gets "[CONT](RC):Resist" and "[AUTO](RC)[1/turn]:[Counter-Blast]1] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your other rear-guards, and [Stand] it.".
Rush-[AUTO](RC)[1/turn][Generation Break 2]:When this unit [Stand] due to the effect of your card, this unit gets [Power] +7000 until end of turn.
Nova Grappler
Grade 2
Power 9000
Shield 5000
[CONT](RC):If you have a vanguard with "Victor" in its card name, this unit gets "[CONT](RC):Resist" and "[AUTO](RC)[1/turn]:[Counter-Blast]1] When this unit attacks, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your other rear-guards, and [Stand] it.".
Rush-[AUTO](RC)[1/turn][Generation Break 2]:When this unit [Stand] due to the effect of your card, this unit gets [Power] +7000 until end of turn.